Returns a complete list of all species information of species represented in the NPN database.
Returns information about a species based on the NPN's unique ID for that species
Search for species by state
Search NPN species information using a number of different parameters, which can be used in conjunction with one another, including:
Species on which a particular group or groups are actually collecting data
What species were observed in a given date range
What species were observed at a particular station or stations
npn_species_id(ids, ...)
npn_species_state(state, kingdom = NULL, ...)
network = NULL,
start_date = NULL,
end_date = NULL,
station_id = NULL,
Currently unused.
Integer vector of species ids for which to retrieve information.
A US postal state code to filter results.
Filters results by taxonomic kingdom. Valid values include
, 'Plantae'
filter species based on identifiers of NPN groups that are actually observing data on the species. Takes a single numeric ID.
filter species by date observed. This sets the start date
of the date range and must be used in conjunction with end_date
filter species by date observed. This sets the end date of
the date range and must be used in conjunction with start_date
filter species by a numeric vector of unique site identifiers.
A tibble with information on species in the NPN database and their IDs.
A tibble with information on species in the NPN database and their IDs, filtered by the species ID parameter.
A tibble with information on species in the NPN database whose distribution includes a given state.
A tibble with information on species in the NPN database filtered by partner group, dates and station/site IDs.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
npn_species_id(ids = 3)
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
npn_species_state(state = "AZ")
npn_species_state(state = "AZ", kingdom = "Plantae")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
species <- npn_species_search(
start_date = "2013-01-01",
end_date = "2013-05-15"
} # }