Returns a complete list of all species information of species represented in the NPN database.

Returns information about a species based on the NPN's unique ID for that species

Search for species by state

Search NPN species information using a number of different parameters, which can be used in conjunction with one another, including:

  • Species on which a particular group or groups are actually collecting data

  • What species were observed in a given date range

  • What species were observed at a particular station or stations


npn_species_id(ids, ...)

npn_species_state(state, kingdom = NULL, ...)

  network = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  station_id = NULL,



Currently unused.


Integer vector of species ids for which to retrieve information.


A US postal state code to filter results.


Filters results by taxonomic kingdom. Valid values include 'Animalia', 'Plantae'.


filter species based on identifiers of NPN groups that are actually observing data on the species. Takes a single numeric ID.


filter species by date observed. This sets the start date of the date range and must be used in conjunction with end_date.


filter species by date observed. This sets the end date of the date range and must be used in conjunction with start_date.


filter species by a numeric vector of unique site identifiers.


A tibble with information on species in the NPN database and their IDs.

A tibble with information on species in the NPN database and their IDs, filtered by the species ID parameter.

A tibble with information on species in the NPN database whose distribution includes a given state.

A tibble with information on species in the NPN database filtered by partner group, dates and station/site IDs.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
npn_species_id(ids = 3)
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
npn_species_state(state = "AZ")
npn_species_state(state = "AZ", kingdom = "Plantae")
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
species <- npn_species_search(
  start_date = "2013-01-01",
  end_date = "2013-05-15"
} # }